Model United Nations
R.I.S.D is proud to offer a Model U. N. program that brings together small dogs from around the globe to discuss the pressing issues of the day. The first lesson of leadership is to acknowledge different points of view. R.I.S.D was founded by Europeans who settled in Nevada, and all of our students are citizens of the [...]
R.I.S.D. Founders
R.I.S.D. was founded by three legends: Rataplan, Dogmatix and Milou. These worldly mammals pooled their resources to found our University, Reno Institute for Small Dogs. Milou came to Nevada to film "Tin Tin in America" and invited his colleagues to come along. They fell in love with the high desert and the mountain lakes. These three visionaries saw [...]
Competitive Diving
Reno is in the desert but a river runs through it. Our diving team has consistently won competitions in agility, style and for the smallest splash.
Advanced Zoology
R.I.S.D. offers Advanced Zoology classes where students get to observe exotic animals in the wild and in the lab. The program includes field trips to special habitats and sanctuaries open only to accredited programs.
R.I.S.D. Formal Ball
Every year the students put on the ritz for our annual R.I.S.D. Formal Ball. It's a gala event with glamorous attendees sharing dancing, fashion, libation and kibble. Here's Senior Laika Neumann showing off her ensemble designed by Karl Lagerfeld.
Water Polo at R.I.S.D.
The water polo team is a proud tradition at R.I.S.D. We are renowned for our tenacity and lung capacity - cubic centimeter for cubic centimeter the best in the west.